For the aim of this project, mainly three different types of experiments have been realized:
- Applications using code in Matlab for publications and theoretical demonstrations mainly.
- Applications using the SDR platform for trying the algorithms with real components.
- Applications deployed in real networks without using the SDR platform.
SDR Experiments
For this experiments, the USRP B210 and GRC 3.7.10 has been used, as explained in detail in the documentation section. The code of all these experiments (the .grc files) can be found in this github. For running this examples, it is necessary to install the modules first. This can be done following the instructions explained on the repository.
In addition to try the developed algorithms with real components, the SDR experiments are also intended for looking the benefits of modifying low level protocols using GNU Radio software.
The GNU tutorials have been followed for realizing these examples. This tutorial includes the simulation of a QAM transmission, where the main problems of the channel had been solve, such as noise, frequency and time synchronization problems, and multi-path components. The code of this example can be found here.
Some experiments using OFDM have been realized. File and audio transmisors and receptors have been developed without following any standard. Both experiments have been realized in simulations and with real hardware, using two USRP B210.
These experiments follow the ieee 802.11 standard and are based on the GitHub repository gr-ieee802-11, as explained in the documentation section. Currently, the modules have been modified so time adaptive is used. When a transceiver gets a message, it will use the pilot for estimating the channel and the SNR, and it will uses this information for selecting the modulation of the messages it has to transmit, deciding the modulation depending on the SNR.