Signal Theory and Communications
Signal Theory and Communications
Andrés Martínez-Fernández received his telecommunications engineer (1994) and Ph.D. (2003) degrees from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Program of Biomedical Engineering and Health Technology). He received Special Doctorate Award (2002/03 academic year) from Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Theory of Signals and Communications, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. He is also Director of the EHAS Foundation and Ashoka Fellow. He has published more than 20 articles in scientific international journals included in the JCR and more than 10 books published by institutions such as United Nations University, the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain, the World Health Organization, etc . He has participated and directed many national and international research projects financed by institutions such as the European Commission, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Andean Development Corporation, etc. His current research interests include telemedicine and low-cost telecommunication systems for less developed regions.
Telemedicine and low-cost telecommunication systems for less developed regions.
Office D213. Departamental III
Universidad Rey Juan carlos
Camino del Molino s/n.
Fuenlabrada, 28943, Madrid, Spain
-Patricia Hanna Crispín Milart, César Augusto Díaz Molina, Ignacio Prieto-Egido and Andrés Martínez-Fernández. "Use of a portable system with ultrasound and blood tests to improve prenatal controls in rural Guatemala". Reproductive Health. ISSN: 1742-4755. Volume 13, September 2016, Pages 110-118. DOI: 10.1186/s12978-016-0237-6
-A. Martínez-Fernández; J. Vidal; J. Simó-Reigadas; I. Prieto-Egido; A. Agustín; J. Paco; A. Rendón. "The TUCAN3G project: Wireless technologies for isolated rural communities in developing countries based on 3G small-cell deployments". IEEE Communications Magazine. ISSN: 0163-6804. Volume 54 Issue 7, July 2016, Pages 36-43. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7509376.
.-Ignacio Foche-Perez , Javier Simo-Reigadas , Ignacio Prieto-Egido , Eduardo Morgado and Andres Martinez-Fernandez, "A dual IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15-4 network architecture for energy-efficient communications with low-demanding applications", Elsevier Ad-Hoc Networks. ISSN 1570-8705. Volume 37 Issue P2, February 2016, Pages 337-353. DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2015.08.028
.-Javier Simo-Reigadas; Esteban Municio; Eduardo Morgado; Eva M. Castro; Andres Martinez-Fernandez; Luis F. Solorzano; Ignacio Prieto-Egido, "Sharing low-cost wireless infrastructures with telecommunications operators to bring 3G services to rural communities", Computer Networks, Elsevier. Volume 93 Issue P2, December 2015, Pages 245-259. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2015.09.006.
.-A. Martínez-Fernandez, I. Lobos-Medina, C.A. Díaz Molina, M. Faraón-Chen-Cruz, I. Prieto Egido. TulaSalud: an m-health system for maternal and infant mortality reduction in Guatemala. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. Volume 21; Number 5; 2015. pp 283 – 291. ISSN: 1357-633X.