Alicia Guerrero Curieses


Signal Theory and Communications

Short Bio

Alicia Guerrero received the Telecommunication Engineering degree from Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, in 1998, and the PhD degree from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, in 2003. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Telematics and Computing at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Her main research interests include statistical learning theory, pattern recognition and their applications to communications, image processing, bioengineering and remote sensing.

Research lines

statistical learning theory, pattern recognition and their applications to communications, image processing, bioengineering and remote sensing.


Office D215. Departamental III
Universidad Rey Juan carlos
Camino del Molino s/n.
Fuenlabrada, 28943, Madrid, Spain


Selected publications

.-Spectrally adapted Mercer kernels for support vector nonuniform interpolation, C. Figuera, Ó. Barquero-Pérez, J.L. Rojo-Álvarez, M. Martínez-Ramón, A. Guerrero-Curieses, A. J Caamaño, Signal Processing 94, 421-433, 2014.

.-Time-space sampling and mobile device calibration for wifi indoor location systems, C. Figuera, J.L. Rojo-Álvarez, I. Mora-Jiménez, A. Guerrero-Curieses, M. Wilby, J. Ramos-López, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 10 (7), 913-926, 2011.

.-Cost-sensitive learning based on Bregman divergences, R. Santos-Rodríguez, A. Guerrero-Curieses, R. Alaiz-Rodríguez, J. Cid-Sueiro, Machine Learning 76 (2-3), 271-285, 2009.

.-Minimax Regret Classifier for Imprecise Class Distributions, R. Alaiz-Rodríguez, A. Guerrero-Curieses, J. Cid-Sueiro, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 8(Jan), 103-130, 2007.