Trabajos fin estudio

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Tesis Doctorales[edit]

Conference Name Title Authors
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada Identifying Undirected Network Structure via Semidefinite Relaxation R. Shafipour, S. Segarra, A. G. Marques, G. Mateos
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech

and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada

Demixing and Blind Deconvolution of Graph-diffused Sparse Signals F. J. Iglesias, S. Segarra, S. Rey-Escudero, A. G. Marques, D. Ramírez
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes prediabéticos con hipertensión arterial R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain La cistatina C como predictor de mortalidad y eventos cardiovasculares en la


R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez, R. Goya Esteban, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Esteato-hepatitis no alcohólica en pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial Esencial L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in a Hypertensive Population L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Cardiovascular Prognostic Factors in Prediabetic Patients within a Hypertensive Population R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina

Trabajos Fin de Máster[edit]

Conference Name Title Authors
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada Identifying Undirected Network Structure via Semidefinite Relaxation R. Shafipour, S. Segarra, A. G. Marques, G. Mateos
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech

and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada

Demixing and Blind Deconvolution of Graph-diffused Sparse Signals F. J. Iglesias, S. Segarra, S. Rey-Escudero, A. G. Marques, D. Ramírez
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes prediabéticos con hipertensión arterial R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain La cistatina C como predictor de mortalidad y eventos cardiovasculares en la


R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez, R. Goya Esteban, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Esteato-hepatitis no alcohólica en pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial Esencial L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in a Hypertensive Population L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Cardiovascular Prognostic Factors in Prediabetic Patients within a Hypertensive Population R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina

Trabajos Fin de Grado[edit]

Conference Name Title Authors
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada Identifying Undirected Network Structure via Semidefinite Relaxation R. Shafipour, S. Segarra, A. G. Marques, G. Mateos
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech

and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada

Demixing and Blind Deconvolution of Graph-diffused Sparse Signals F. J. Iglesias, S. Segarra, S. Rey-Escudero, A. G. Marques, D. Ramírez
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes prediabéticos con hipertensión arterial R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain La cistatina C como predictor de mortalidad y eventos cardiovasculares en la


R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez, R. Goya Esteban, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Esteato-hepatitis no alcohólica en pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial Esencial L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in a Hypertensive Population L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Cardiovascular Prognostic Factors in Prediabetic Patients within a Hypertensive Population R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina