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(Año 2020)
(Año 2020)
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| Workshop on Singular Problems for Healthcare, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Comunicación Oral (Best SP4HC Paper Award). Online  
| Workshop on Singular Problems for Healthcare, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Comunicación Oral (Best SP4HC Paper Award). Online  
| Modelling Temporal Relationships in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Antimicrobial Resistance Prediction in Intensive Care Unit.
| [http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2820/AAI4H-12.pdf Modelling Temporal Relationships in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Antimicrobial Resistance Prediction in Intensive Care Unit.]
| À. Hernàndez Carnerero, M. Sànchez Marrè, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez
| À. Hernàndez Carnerero, M. Sànchez Marrè, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez
| Workshop on Singular Problems for Healthcare, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Online         
| Workshop on Singular Problems for Healthcare, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Online         
| Temporal Feature Selection for Characterizing Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance in the Intensive Care Unit. Comunicación Oral
| [http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2820/AAI4H-11.pdf Temporal Feature Selection for Characterizing Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance in the Intensive Care Unit.] Comunicación Oral
| O. Escudero Arnanz, I. Mora Jiménez, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, C. Soguero Ruiz
| O. Escudero Arnanz, I. Mora Jiménez, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, C. Soguero Ruiz

Latest revision as of 17:30, 2 March 2021

Año 2020[edit]

Nombre del congreso/conferencia/workshop Título Autor/es
Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2020. Online Artificial Intelligence to Get Insights of Risk Factors for Multi-drug Resistance in the First 48 Hours After ICU Admission. J. Tarancón Rey, I. Mora Jiménez, J. Álvarez, and C. Soguero Ruiz
XXXVIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Online Análisis de la importancia de las características de la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica aplicando modelos Random Forest. R. Holgado Cuadrado, R. García Carretero, and O. Barquero Pérez
Computing in Cardiology 13-16 Sep 2020. Online Atrial Fibrillation Driver Localization From Body Surface Potentials Using Deep Learning. M. A. Cámara Vázquez, A. Oter Astillero, I. Hernández Romero, M. Rodrigo, E. Morgado Reyes, M. S. Guillem, A. M. Climent, Ó. Barquero Pérez
9th European Starting AI Researchers' Symposium, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Online Applying LSTM Networks to Predict Multi drug Resistance Using Binary Multivariate Clinical Sequences. Comunicación Oral (Best STAIRS Paper Award). S. Martínez Agüero, I. Mora Jiménez, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, A. García Marqués, C. Soguero Ruiz
European Signal Process. Conf., Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Overparametrized Deep Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Inputs and Outputs Defined over Graphs. Comunicación oral. V. Temprano, S. Rey Escudero, S. Rozada, L. Martino, and A. García Marqués
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Barcelona, Spain. Generative Adversarial Networks for Graph Data Imputation from Signed Observations. Comunicación oral. A. Madapu, S. Segarra, S. P. Chepuri, and A. García Marqués
Workshop on Singular Problems for Healthcare, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Comunicación Oral (Best SP4HC Paper Award). Online Modelling Temporal Relationships in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Antimicrobial Resistance Prediction in Intensive Care Unit. À. Hernàndez Carnerero, M. Sànchez Marrè, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez
Workshop on Singular Problems for Healthcare, co located with European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Online Temporal Feature Selection for Characterizing Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance in the Intensive Care Unit. Comunicación Oral O. Escudero Arnanz, I. Mora Jiménez, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, C. Soguero Ruiz
XXXVIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Online Feature Selection and Machine Learning for Predicting Multi drug Resistance just After ICU Admission. Comunicación Oral J. Tarancón Rey, I. Mora Jiménez, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, C. Soguero Ruiz
XXXVIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Online Feature Selection and Tree based Models to Predict Multidrug Resistance. Comunicación Oral O. Escudero Arnanz, I. Mora Jiménez, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, C. Soguero Ruiz
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Online Finding Associations among Chronic Conditions by Bootstrap and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Comunicación Oral C. Soguero Ruiz, N. Alonso Arteaga, S. Muñoz Romero, J.L. Rojo Álvarez, M. Rubio Sánchez, I. Caballero López Fajardo, I. Mora Jiménez

Año 2019[edit]

Nombre del congreso/conferencia/workshop Título Autor/es
Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial. Madrid, Spain. Aplicación de técnicas de machine learning para caracterizar el déficit de vitamina D en una población obesa e hipertensa. Póster R. García Carretero, O. Vázquez Gómez, L. Vigil Medina, I. Mora Jiménez
21 Congreso Nacional de Hospitales y Gestión Sanitaria. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Evolución de la cronicidad en la población adscrita a un área de salud. Comunicación Oral. P. de Miguel Bohoyo, I. Caballero López Fando, FJ Rivas Flores, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz
21 Congreso Nacional de Hospitales y Gestión Sanitaria. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Asignación de recursos: ¿cómo afecta la cronicidad en la frecuentación?. Comunicación Oral. I. Caballero López Fando, P. de Miguel Bohoyo, F.J. Rivas Flores, JM Moreno Rodríguez, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez
XXXVII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Santander, Spain. Mapas de correspondencias y auto codificadores para el análisis de grupos de pacientes crónicos. Comunicación Oral. N. López García, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Caballero López Fando, A. Gómez Delgado, I. Mora Jiménez
XXXVII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Santander, Spain. Textural and Morphological Features for Grading Brain Cancer Images. Comunicación Oral. J. Tarancón Rey, A. Fernández Comesaña, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, D. Glotsos
IEEE Intl. Wrksp. on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Guadeloupe, West Indies – France. Graph Neural Networks for Predicting Protein Functions. Comunicación oral. V. N. Ioannidis, A. G. Marqués, and G. B. Giannakis
IEEE Intl. Wrksp. on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Guadeloupe, West Indies – France. Generative Graph Neural Networks. Comunicación oral. S. Rey, A. G. Marqués, and S. Segarra.
53rd Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA. Convolutional Graph Neural Networks. Comunicación oral. F. Gama, A. G. Marqués, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
53rd Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA. Deep Decoder-Encoder Architectures for Graph Output Signals. Comunicación oral. S. Rey, V. Temprano, S. Rozada, L. Martino, and A. G. Marqués
53rd Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA. Network reconstruction from graph-stationary signals with hidden variables. Comunicación oral. A. Buciulea, S. Rey, C. Cabrera, and A. G. Marqués
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Brighton, UK. A Recurrent Graph Neural Network for Multi-Relational Data. Comunicación oral. V. N. Ioannidis, A. G. Marqués, and G. B. Giannakis
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Brighton, UK. Aggregation Graph Neural Networks. Comunicación oral. F. Gama, A. G. Marqués, A. Ribeiro, and G. Leus
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Brighton, UK. Median activation functions for graph neural networks. Comunicación oral. L. Ruiz, F. Gama, A. G. Marqués, and A. Ribeiro
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., Brighton, UK. Estimation of Network Processes via Blind Graph Multi-Filter Identification. Comunicación oral. Y. Zhu, F. J. Iglesias, A. G. Marqués, and S. Segarra

Año 2018[edit]

Nombre del congreso/conferencia/workshop Título Autor/es
XXXVI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Ciudad Real, Spain. Estudio de la evolución temporal de la resistencia antibiótica de gérmenes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Póster. S. Martínez Agüero, J. Lérida García, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz
XV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española del Dolor. Palma, Spain. Big Data y Dolor. Comunicación Oral Invitada. I. Mora Jiménez
Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics. Madrid, Spain. Using multi anchors to identify patients suffering from multimorbidities. Comunicación Oral. K. Øyvind Mikalsen, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, I. Caballero López Fando, R. Jenssen
XXXVI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Ciudad Real, Spain. Análisis de correspondencias para el estudio de la sensibilidad antibiótica de gérmenes en la UCI. Comunicación Oral. J. Lérida García, S. Martínez Agüero, J. Álvarez Rodríguez, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz
European Signal Process. Conf., Rome, Italy Graph Similarity Based on Graph Fourier Distances. Comunicación oral. E. Lagunas, A. G. Marqués, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten
IEEE Signal Process. Advances Wireless Comms. Wrksp., Kalamata, Greece MIMO Filters for Convolutional Neural Networks on Graph Signals. Comunicación oral. F. Gama, A. G. Marqués, A. Ribeiro, and G. Leus
IEEE Statistical Signal Process. Wrksp., Freiburg, Germany Network Topology Inference from Input-Output Diffusion Pairs. Comunicación oral. S. Segarra, A. G. Marqués, S. Rey-Escudero, and M. Goyal
IEEE Data Science Wrksp., Lausanne, Switzerland Topology Inference of Directed Networks via Graph Filter Identification. Comunicación oral. R. Shafipour, S. Segarra, A. G. Marqués, and G. Mateos
IEEE Data Science Wrksp, Lausanne, Switzerland Convolutional Neural Networks via Node-varying Graph Filters. Comunicación oral. F. Gama, G. Leus, A. G. Marqués, and A. Ribeiro
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada Identifying Undirected Network Structure via Semidefinite Relaxation. R. Shafipour, S. Segarra, A. G. Marqués, G. Mateos
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech

and Signal Processing, Calgary, Canada

Demixing and Blind Deconvolution of Graph-diffused Sparse Signals. F. J. Iglesias, S. Segarra, S. Rey-Escudero, A. G. Marqués, D. Ramírez
23ª Reunión nacional Sociedad Española de Hipertensión Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial. Zaragoza, Spain Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes prediabéticos con hipertensión arterial. Comunicación Oral. R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez de Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain La cistatina C como predictor de mortalidad y eventos cardiovasculares en la HTA. R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez, R. Goya Esteban, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
23rd National Meeting Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League against Arterial Hypertension, Zaragoza, Spain Esteato-hepatitis no alcohólica en pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial Esencial. L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in a Hypertensive Population. L. Vigil Medina, C. Rodríguez De Castro, R. García Carretero, A. Colas Herrera, B. Vargas Rojo, M. López Jiménez
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Cardiovascular Prognostic Factors in Prediabetic Patients within a Hypertensive Population. R. García Carretero, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Barcelona, Spain Cystatin C as a Predictor Of Mortality and Cardiovascular Risk in a Hypertensive Population. R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez, R. Goya Esteban, C. Rodríguez De Castro, L. Vigil Medina
6th International Work Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Granada, Spain. On the use of Decision Trees based on Diagnosis and Drug Codes for Analyzing Chronic Patients. Comunicación Oral. C. Soguero Ruiz, A. Alberca Díaz Plaza, P. de Miguel Bohoyo, J. Ramos López, M. Rubio Sánchez, A. Sánchez, I. Mora Jiménez
Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop. Tromsø, Norway Deep Autoencoders for Visualizing Chronic Patient Data. Comunicación Oral. C. Chushig Muzo, C. Soguero Ruiz, I. Caballero, I. Mora Jiménez
IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics, Japan Towards Deep Anchor Learning. M. A. Hansen, K. Ø. Mikalsen, M. Kampffmeyer, C. Soguero-Ruiz, R. Jenssen
IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics Conference, Las Vegas, USA Classification of postoperative surgical site infections from blood measurements with missing data using recurrent neural networks. A. Storvik Strauman, F.M. Bianchi, Mikalsen, M. Kampffmeyer, C. Soguero-Ruiz, R. Jenssen

Año 2017[edit]

Nombre del congreso/conferencia/workshop Título Autor/es
2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision. Fez, Morocco. Extended Iris Color Features Analysis and Cluster Headache Diagnosis Based On Support Vector Classifier. M. El Yaagoubi, I. Mora Jiménez, J.L. Rojo Álvarez, Y. Jabrane, J.A. Pareja Grande
14th International Joint Conference on e Business and Telecommunications. Madrid, Spain. An improved secure image transmission technique via mosaic images by nearly reversible color transformations. Comunicación oral. F. Acosta Buenaño, G. Olmedo Cifuentes, I. Mora Jiménez, J.L. Rojo Álvarez
IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Curaçao, Dutch Antilles Weighted Median Graph Filters: Definitions and Design. S. Segarra, A. G. Marqués, G. Arce, A. Ribeiro
51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA Joint Inference of Networks from Stationary Graph Signals. S. Segarra, Y. Wang, C. Uhler, A. G. Marqués
Computing in Cardiology. Rennes, France. Modelling Cardiovascular Condition Evolution in Hypertensive Population Using Graph Signal Processing. Comunicación oral. A. G. Marqués, C. Soguero Ruiz, J. Ramos López, I. Mora Jiménez, R. Goya Esteban, R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez
Computing in Cardiology. Rennes, France. L1 Penalized Cox Regression to Characterize Cardiovascular Events in Hypertensive Patients. Comunicación oral. R. García Carretero, O. Barquero Pérez, I. Mora Jiménez, C. Soguero Ruiz, R. Goya Esteban, A. G. Marqués, J. Ramos López
20 National Congress of Hospitals and Health Management, Sevilla, Spain Distribución de la cronicidad por centro de salud en un área sanitaria. P. de Miguel Bohoyo, C. Murillo Aceituno, I. Caballero López-Fando, F. Rivas-Flores
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, New Orleans, USA Network Topology Inference from Non-Stationary Graph Signals. R. Shafipour, S. Segarra, A.G. Marqués, G. Mateos
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, New Orleans, USA Stationary Graph Processes: Parametric Power Spectral Estimation. S. Segarra, A. G. Marqués, G. Leus
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, New Orleans, USA Graph-signal Reconstruction and Blind Deconvolution for Diffused Sparse Inputs. D. Ramirez, A. G. Marqués, S. Segarra
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, New Orleans, USA Robust Network Topology Inference. S. Segarra, A. G. Marqués, G. Mateos, A. Ribeiro
XV National Congress National Congress of Medical Documentation, Valencia, Spain Valor predictivo de la cronicidad de pacientes utilizando CRG (Clinical Risk Group). FJ Rivas-Flores, P. de Miguel-Bohoyo, C. Soguero-Ruiz, I. Mora-Jiménez, A. Gómez-Delgado, J. Fernández-Sánchez
IEEE Intl Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan The Time Series Cluster Kernel. K.Mikalsen, F.M. Bianchi, C. Soguero-Ruiz, R. Jenssen
Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Madrid, Spain Clinical Risk Groups Analysis for Chronic Hypertensive Patients in terms of ICD9-CM Diagnosis Codes. J. Fernández-Sánchez, C. Soguero-Ruiz, P.M Bohoyo, F.J. Rivas-Flores, A. Gómez-Delgado, F.J. Gutiérrez-Expósito, I. Mora-Jiménez
European Signal Processing Conference, Kos, Greece Collaborative Filtering via Graph Signal Processing. W. Huang, A. G. Marqués, and A. Ribeiro